Deanship of Admission & Registration

The Registration Department aims to provide various services to students from the time they are accepted at Kuwait University until their graduation. It also offers services to non-enrolled students who wish to study at Kuwait University, and it provides all academic services to faculty members related to their teaching loads.
The Registration Department is divided into two sections:
Registration Section:
The Registration Section handles all matters related to the registration processes for students at Kuwait University. It is responsible for preparing the timeline for registration operations, including adding and dropping courses. The section coordinates with colleges to finalize student schedules before the start of the semester. It is also responsible for recording grades for students with deferred grades and addressing any clerical errors. Additionally, the section receives and registers non-enrolled students who wish to study at Kuwait University.
Course Scheduling Section:
The Course Scheduling Section is responsible for offering all courses and class sections for the colleges of Kuwait University. Its tasks include reviewing the teaching loads of faculty members, academic support staff, and language instructors. It also introduces newly developed courses from the Academic Affairs department, ensuring they are available in the student system. This section is authorized to issue decisions regarding external assignments and to offer their class sections as needed. Furthermore, it sends lists of faculty members, academic support staff, and language instructors who have additional teaching loads to the Financial Affairs Department for processing.